
Purpose of Education

It has been often said that the purpose of education is to bestow reason. History debunks this.

A nation known for giving the world many of the best philosophers, scientists, doctors, engineers, soldiers, and music composers, exterminated 6.5 million Jews. What happened to reason? Pol Pot, educated in one of the best universities in Paris, did the same thing in Kampuchia. What happened to reason? All the extreme ideologies in the 19th and 20th Century - Marxism, Fascism, National Socialism, Islamic fundamentalism, and Al-Jehad, were propagated by philosophers and highly erudite leaders. Again, what happened to reason?

Reason is like mathematics; it tells us how to go. The heart tells us where to go. Educating the head without educating the heart may produce brilliant scientists, CEOs and philosophers, but who will use their brilliance for destructive or evil purposes.

Schools must, therefore, have a social purpose that goes well beyond academics. Socialization must aim at value-education and bringing out the inner spiritual potential of the child.


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Date: 04/24/2024





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